P: (02) 9315 5947 | M: 0460 743750

As well as our daily program of sports, art & craft activities and free play, these special programs below take place each week on a different day led by an Educator in smaller groups.
We aspire to take care of the environment and understand how important it is for the future. Our goals are to teach children to be environmentally responsible, and do the little things to help the world.
We have environmental leaders and a team of children, who under the guidance of staff members, aim to create a movement of sustainability in Maroubra!

Cooking club aims to teach the children how to operate in a home kitchen. A monthly schedule will be posted on Class Dojo and sent out to families so that they can register children for a cooking class. There are 14 spaces for each cooking class.
This program is aimed for Kindergarten and Year 1 children to practice their home reading from school with our educators and our senior children in Years 4 – 6.
In addition, children will:
Receive guidance and support from MJCC educators
Have an opportunity to collaborate and work with their peers, possibly fostering new friendships
Have an opportunity to peer tutor to develop leadership and responsibility skills.

We aim to expose children and teach children new important skills for life that they may not have access at home. Sewing buttons, how use a sewing machine, knitting scarves, making bags from material scraps, pencil cases with zips, cute pillow cases are some of the fantastic crafts they have creatively made on their own.
Each week, an educator plans and organises a major project for the program. Educators have time to plan and organise their project off the floor and then will choose a day to promote their project, and it can be run over a few sessions.
Our project for Hawaii Week, involved decorating surfboards, and having a relaxing snack and mocktail!