P: (02) 9315 5947 | M: 0460 743750

Each year an online enrolment must be filled out and a membership fee paid before any bookings can be taken. Existing families will be sent a link from Smart Central, via our admin staff. NEW family online enrolment can be found in the online enrolment tab.
If there is any change to your personal information throughout the year, please inform us as soon as possible. It is crucial that we always have the correct details for all families.
Please keep in mind that school enrolment forms are confidential and are not passed on to our service. We are caring for the same children without the benefit of background information. Therefore, enrolment details need to be updated each year.
Permanent bookings must be indicated on a green booking form or by email
To make changes throughout the year the green booking form (obtained from the office) or email must be completed and handed in giving one weeks’ notice of any changes. Changes to permanent days are subject to placement availability
Even if your child/ren are absent permanent, bookings are paid for. However, if your child/ren will be absent for at least one week we need to be advised at least one week in advance through the blue Extended Leave form (obtained from the office) or by email, so that you are not charged for the time away
Swapping permanent days within the same week is not permitted - you will be charged at casual rates for the extra days attended.
*Note: Daily absences are paid for – only permanent cancellations will not incur a charge with one weeks' notice.
Are subject to availability
Can be made via email or phone
Can be cancelled without charge with sufficient notice given. If after school care needs to be cancelled, notice must be given prior to 9am that day. If before school care needs to be cancelled, notice must be given before 6pm the day before.
All bookings must be made through the centre—the school will not take bookings. However, it is vital that you inform the school of any casual bookings in order for class teachers to send children to the Centre straight after the bell.
If you only use our vacation care service, a new online enrolment still needs to be completed each year. The membership fee is payable by all the families using the service.
Important for vacation care:
Fill out any permission notes/waiver forms for certain excursions;
Complete daily bookings via the Microsoft form (not via Smart Central);
Complete your families priority of access details
Once bookings close you will be sent out your (CWA) booking confirmations within a couple of days. Please be patient as it is a long administrative process.
Bookings MUST be made by the closing date (usually two weeks before each holiday break) at the latest. Fresh new programs are developed for each vacation care and are available four weeks before the holidays begin. Places are subject to availability, based on children's numbers and Educator ratio.
Whilst we are on service premises in house days, the staff-to-child ratio is 1:15. On excursions the ratio changes to 1:8 or 1:10 (permitting the kind of excursion and the age of children). For this reason, excursions have limited numbers.
There are no refunds for Vacation Care cancellations. Please book carefully.