P: (02) 9315 5947 | M: 0460 743750
Child Care Subsidy regulations require families to sign attendance records as proof of attendance.
It is the responsibility of parents/caregivers to ensure that their children are signed in and out.
Parents/Caregivers must use scan the QR code or use their individually assigned pins on the iPad to do so. Any parent or caregiver must be registered with the centre to enable them to have a personal pin. Other regulars can be added for easy picks ups. e.g. family friends
Child Care Subsidy cannot be given to eligible families unless their children are signed in and out of each session by the parent or other authorised adult. All attendances must be confirmed by an adult using their individualised pin number.
Children are only to be released from the service to persons nominated as per the family online enrolment details. Families must let us know when someone different will be picking up their child. This must be done in writing by email or via the yellow Authorised Collection form. Children are not to leave the service unaccompanied. Older siblings aged 16 years and up are legally allowed to sign in/out.
Children are not to be left unattended at the service until opening hours commence. There will be no exceptions to this. It is important that families understand that responsibility for your child/ren only begins once the child has entered the service (within opening hours).
Family members must notify us of any custody arrangements or court orders that impact the collection of children. Copies of court orders must be provided, and any other information must go on enrolment forms.